I’m absolutely thrilled with how this looks finished! I put about 4 layers of cotton batting on before I put the fabric on. I decided to use one of my favorite patterns, Equinox by Blank Textiles, since I had a bolt of this bright pink that I haven’t used up yet. I think it’ll hide a lot of the dirt, and if it doesn’t I can always put something else on it! I probably could have done this cheaper by getting a shelving unit for $20-30, but I already use these storage tubs and cubes in my office. It made sense to expand the space for the tubs. Total I spent under $200 for the cubes and plywood. The batting and fabric was already here and I didn’t need to buy any. I think I emptied half of my batting tub on this! I was going to use some hi-loft poly batting, but thought it might melt and I should use cotton instead. I can’t wait to start using it!
Ironing Station Finished!