I finished 2 more Dear Jane EPP blocks last night while catching up on shows with the hubby. Kids spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s, so we had lots of time to do all our show watching. Even watched a movie! A4 was an easy block, there looks to be a bubble in the middle, but that will ease once the papers get taken out. A11 was a bit harder to get everything to fit in together, again I think it will flatten out more once all the papers are taken out. Down to 6 blocks and this row is complete!

I also finished the commissioned quilts I’ve been working on, they need to go through the wash so I can get them shipped out. I will take pictures once they are out of the dryer in the next day or so.
Back in October I joined a hexie swap. All the hexies needed to have words on them. I had gone to Miller’s Dry Goods and bought 3 fabrics that I loved and sent all my hexies in. We just got our hexies back, I have 120 individual hexies with words! She sent some awesome goodies with them, I love the little button! I’m waiting on 2 more swaps to get sent and I just signed up for another one! I don’t know what I’m going to do with all these hexies yet, I can wait until I come up with a plan though!