Placemats and Winding Ways

Ok, the placemats are finally finished.  Took about 3 weeks of cutting and sewing and then a couple of days of hand work to get the binding sewn on.  I know, I could sew the binding on by machine and be done that much faster, but there’s just something I love about sitting on the couch and watching a movie or TV show and doing hand work.  Especially if I’m watching shows with my husband!  There’s only 4 in the picture because I don’t have the leaf on the table – we had to take it in when we ordered the additional one.


The last few days I’ve been working to get my winding ways kit completed (I talked about it here).  I had started it by hand and decided that with all the bulk I wanted to finish it by machine.  I’ve finished piecing all the blocks and just need to stitch the rows together.  Hopefully that will be done tomorrow – my mom is coming over today and I need to get her to finish at least one of her projects!

Love is Wallhanging

Well I did finish the Love is Wallhanging this week, Wednesday night to be exact.  I couldn’t get it hung until the weekend because we needed to take the mirror off the back of my dresser in order to be able to hang the quilt.  It looks pretty good on the shelf – which I bought in Amish Country in November.

Love is Wallhanging    Love is Wallhanging - close view

This weekend I’m working on some placemats for the dining room table.  I’m hoping to get 6 out of the fabric I have, but I’m not sure if I’ll get that many.  It’s a simple rail fence pattern using 4 greens of Equinox by Blank Textiles.  I absolutely LOVE this pattern!  I have so many colors of it and I’d love to buy more, but not that many places sell it anymore.  If anyone knows where I can get some, let me know!

Well back to work, hope to finish these tops today.


Quilting Update

Well I just finished quilting the Love Is Wallhanging and sewing the binding to the front. I’m going to go and relax by a fire and hand stitch the binding to the back and watch some tv – maybe Series 2 of The Quilt Show that I have on DVD.  I’ll take a picture once the binding is done and it’s hanging on the wall.

Table Runner

Well that certainly didn’t take long, but then I didn’t think it would.  Since the blocks were already cut out all I had to do was chain piece them together and put a border on it.  I think it will look nice on the dining room table this 4th of July….if it’s quilted by then!   Tomorrow is working on the quilting of the Love Is Wallhanging…’s not that big, so hopefully I can get it quilted and bound this week.  Then it can get hung in the bedroom.

Patriotic Table Runner

Quilt Show 2009 BOM – January

Quilt Show 2009 BOM - January
Quilt Show 2009 BOM - January

Well I’m quite proud of myself!  I started and finished the January block of The Quilt Show 2009 BOM – Stars for a New Day.  I had a few issues, and somehow I managed to lose 1/4″ on each side, but I’ll deal with it next month when it gets set on-point.  Now I’m off to start a patriotic table runner, I found some 4″ charm squares when I was looking for fabric for the BOM – it shouldn’t take long to put together.


1st Top of 2009 Finished!

I just finished putting together my 1st top of 2009.  The blocks were from the Quilting Stash Yahoo Group Block Swap in 2007 and I am just now getting it all together.  I pieced the backing from all the leftover fabrics I bought and I even have enough fabric for the binding!  Now onto the next one!

Quilting Stash Yahoo Group Block Swap
Quilting Stash Yahoo Group Block Swap
Quilting Stash Yahoo Group Block Swap
Quilting Stash Yahoo Group Block Swap

Happy New Year!

Well, with a new year starting, I figured it was time to make some changes to the blog.  The header has a bunch of quilts that I’ve made in the last few years.  I added a list of all the projects that need to be quilted and a list of all the projects I’m working on.  I found the progress bars here.  Now if I can just remember to update them! 🙂

Hope everyone has a wonderful 2009!

Weekend Update

Well I didn’t get any quilting done, but I did get all the candy cane holders done and the hats for my customer in Wisconsin.  Aren’t the candy cane holders cute?????

Have you heard of FabShop Hop?  I’ve been working on the holiday hop while everything stitches out.  Lots of nice prizes if you find enough of the bunny logos.  It’s a good way to find quilt shops online! 

Now it’s time to relax a little before bed….tomorrow is a workday, unfortunately.

Christmas Rush

I haven’t been doing much sewing lately, so I’ve let the blog slide a little bit.  After spending the morning and early afternoon working on cookies for an exchange at work (thanks mom & Kimmie for the help!) I started working on all the many things I need to get made for Christmas.  I’m almost halfway done with making candy cane holders for my sister’s kids at day care.  Then I have to make gift card holders, some hats for a customer, a quilt for my girlfriends daughter, and I don’t even remember what else!  The embroidery machine is going to be humming all weekend!  I’m hoping to get back to working on the quilt soon, but I really need to get all this embroidery work done, PLUS I need to get the house decorated for the holidays.  Well, back to work!