I went to Joann’s today because I needed floss for some upcoming projects. I should know better than to walk around that store! Besides the 22 skeins of floss I got a few other things that I probably didn’t need. 7 fat quarters (on sale!), 2 packages of precut hexagons (clearance!), a sock loom (on sale!) and 4 skeins of yarn (clearance!). With all the coupons and discounts I saved a lot of money on it all. Hubby still might kill me though! 🙂 I’ve always wanted to knit socks, but I don’t know how to knit. When I saw this loom a few months ago I almost bought it, but today it was 25% off. I just finished cutting up all the hexagons with my 2.5″ square die for my Go, they are just big enough to cut a 2.5″ square and have the corners nipped off. I have all the fat quarters to cut up still, plus the ones I got in Amish on Monday. I’m getting ready to “kit” up more diamonds even though I’ll be starting a new cross stitch project soon.