On (and off) the Needles 05/27/17

Cassie's Shawl 052717 2.jpgSo October 2015 I started working on a shawl for myself with some very beautiful yarn. I’ve worked on it here and there since then, but my interest in it has waned. I finally realized yesterday that the reason my interest waned is because I just don’t care for the yarn anymore. I love the softness and colors, but the yarn itself isn’t nice to knit with. It’s really thin and did break a few times on me. So last night I knit the 5 rows I needed for a border and cast off and it is the PERFECT size for Cassie. She loves it, so it’s all good.

New Shawl 052717.jpgAfter I got that off the needles, I picked out a different yarn from my stash and started working on a new shawl for myself. It’s the same pattern and I’m liking how it’s looking with the yarn. Not taking this on vacation, I have enough projects already packed. But now I have something to work on tonight!

On the Needles – February 6, 2016

Basketweave scarf 020616I’m a day late with this, but I just started a new project last night and needed to get a picture of it! I really didn’t need a new project, but Alex had asked me awhile ago to make him a red scarf (his favorite color). I had the yarn, just didn’t have a pattern. So this week I spent a little time on Ravelry and found a cute basketweave scarf pattern. It’s really an easy pattern, I’ve already completed 2 repeats and hope to get a lot more done this weekend. I did get a little more done on the camo blanket for my sister, but I’ve already put it away and don’t feel like getting it out for another picture! πŸ™‚ Hopefully I’ll have the scarf completed quickly so I can work on one of the other projects.

Linking up to Patchwork Times.

On the Needles – Updates – January 22, 2016

Camo Blanket 012216I’ve been working on this blanket for my sister recently. I started it a LONG time ago (ok, maybe only a year ago) and usually only work on it during the winter. Since it’s getting heavy it’s kinda warm. I have a long way to go on it, I have a lot of this yarn to use up and my sister is taller than me and it needs to cover her up!

Shawl 012216I started this after my son’s birthday party so I could relax. I love the colors in the yarn but I’m not so happy with the yarn itself. It seems to fray a bit and if it’s pulled too tight it can come apart very easily. It’s very easy knit and purl, which I don’t mind when we are watching tv!

Socks 012216I still haven’t finished those doggone socks! Started them last MayΒ and I just have to finish the ribbing on the second sock. I didn’t mind the work on the rest of the sock, but I’m really not liking the k2p2 ribbing that I’m doing. Every once in awhile I take it back out and do a row or two before putting it away. There’s about 3-4 inches left to do and I do want to finish them so I can wear them!

Need to be able to work on knitting and hexies and I’d like to get back to my cross stitch too! I think once I finish hexie insanity I’ll only do cross stitch and knitting as hand work and just do the quilting in my office – of course I might change my mind too! πŸ™‚

Linking up to Patchwork Times – On the Needles.

On the Needles – October 23, 2015

Shawl 102315I really didn’t need a new knitting project, I finally started working on the ribbing of my sock (no picture of that today!). Last weekend after my son’s birthday parties (one with his school friends and a family party all in the same day) I needed some majorly mindless hand work. So I dug out my ball winder and the 3 skeins of yarn I had decided to use for a shawl. Cast on and just started knitting away. It’s a really easy pattern, just stockinette stitch for the whole thing. I’m loving the colors in the yarn, and the stripes it’s making. I hope to finish the socks soon, but I’ve been up during the night with a certain little girl and haven’t been getting a lot of sleep, so mindless is what I need!

Linking up with Patchwork Times, check to see what everyone else is knitting!

On the Needles – September 25, 2015

sock 092515I finally finished the first sock! I am also a good chunk of the way through the foot on the second sock. Just making slow but constant progress! I do really like how it looks with the striping, but it is definiitely too big in the foot. I also somehow managed to mess up the cast off and need to find some better instructions on how to do that on the next one. I already have the yarn for my next pair – it’s an awesome color way called Once Bitten that I found on etsy, making a pair of socks for my sister! Doesn’t look like they have it in the shop anymore but it’s red, grey and black – yep, OSU colors! She’s a big fan of the Buckeyes and I can’t wait to make these for her!

Lots more to update, hopefully I can get it done this weekend! Head over to Patchwork Times to see what’s on everyone’s needles!

On the Needles – August 14, 2015

Sock 081415Well, I have made some progress on my sock! I finally sat down with the instructions and read through them a million times along with reading some posts in the Ravelry group for the Fish Lips Kiss heel and it just finally clicked! Took me a few hours to get it all done, but I love how easy it was once I got it! I think I’ve got enough stitched that I’m going to start ribbing now, just have to decide if I want to do 1×1 or 2×2 ribbing. I’m thinking of going with the 2×2 but what does everyone else do? I still don’t like how big this sock is, but I’m not starting it over! I will just make the other one a little smaller – it’s my first pair and it’s a learning process! I posted last weeks update on instagram and Facebook and my mother calls me and says “You are knitting socks? You do know you can go to the store and buy them right?” I just laughed and told her it was something I always wanted to do! Hope to have more done by next week, maybe even starting the next one!

Linking up with Patchwork Times – check out what everyone else is up to!

On the Needles – July 10, 2015

Sock 071015I’ve gotten a bit farther on my sock, but I’m realizing now that It’s going to be too big. I was following a pattern and increased to the number it said I needed, and of course I think it’s too big by like 8 stitches on each side. I’ll finish it the size it is, but then I’ll need to decide what to do on the second one – make it the same size or decrease it to where it should be? I really like the striping and I’m sure the second one won’t turn out exactly the same, but I’m perfectly ok with that! I think it’s turning out pretty well for a first sock! I’m just about to the spot where I need to figure out how to do a heel, hopefully it’s not too hard! I’ve been working on this and hexie insanity at the same time, trading off when fingers are sore so I’m slowly making progress on both. Hopefully by next week (yeah I’m hopeful!) I’ll be working on or have the heel finished. We’ll see how much time I have this week!

Linking up to Patchwork Times – see what everyone else is up to!

On the Needles – June 26, 2015

Sock 062615I finally did it! After ripping out and starting over multiple times I finally got the hang of Judy’s Magic Cast On and Magic Loop to get the toe done. I had forgotten to take it on vacation with me, so I couldn’t work on it until we got home. Took me a whole afternoon to get it figured out and now I have all the increases completed. Now it’s just mindless stockinette until I get to the point where I need to work on the heel, and I’ll have to figure out how to do the heel too! I’m liking the way it’s knitting up with the stripes, doubt I’ll be able to get the second one to match exactly, but that’s ok with me, as long as I can complete them! I’m using Red Heart Heart & Sole yarn in the Razzle Dazzle color-way.

Go over and visit Judy at Patchwork Times to see what others are knitting this week.

On the Needles – May 15, 2015

First pair of socks 051515Ok, so I haven’t finished the blanket for my sister yet, but who says you can only have 1 knitting project? πŸ™‚ I’ve always wanted to learn to knit socks and since hubby and the kids got me an Amazon gift card for Mother’s Day I decided to buy the circular needle I needed to learn to do magic loop from the toe up. I did the cast on today and now I need to watch the YouTube video again to learn how to start working it, this might be a good project to take camping!

Linking up to Patchwork Times.

On the Needles – February 6, 2015

On the Needles 020615Wow, it’s been a few weeks since I posted my knitting project! I’ve completed 3 full repeats and started my fourth. It’s slow going because there are so many stitches in a row and I am slow! It also seems that the only time I can knit is at night after the kids are in bed, and by then I’m so tired I mess up so much that I put it away! I managed to get a couple of rows done this morning while Cassie napped and Alex watched a movie, and another couple this evening while the hubby played with the kids. I’m so tired today (up 3 times with the baby last night) that I just can’t work on it anymore tonight. I mess up when I knit tired! I guess I’ll work on hexies for the rest of the night – if I can stay awake!

Linking up with Patchwork Times – check out what everyone else has on their needles!